Grade 12 Provincial Exam Dates

This year Grade 12 students will be required to write the Provincial Exams on the following specified dates:


***The provincial exams are to be completed on the dates indicated. Families need to be aware of these dates so that appointments and holiday plans do not conflict ***


English Language Arts 

Semester 1 - January 9th to 12th  

Semester 2 - May 27th to 30th

Applied Math

Semester 1 - January 23rd

Semester 2 - June 13th 

Pre Calculus Math

Semester 1 - January 25th 

Semester 2 - June 11th  

Essential Math

Semester 1 - January 24th

Semester 2- June 12th 

French Language

Semester 1 - January 10th & January 15th to 16th

Semester 2 - May 29th  & June 3rd to 4th