On May 21, 2020, the Manitoba government shared a draft of Phase 2 – Restoring Services Plan that includes additional steps to gradually restore services, including within our schools. The document provided by the Province can be reviewed at https://www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/restoring/phase-two.html.
As stated in the document, classroom learning will remain suspended for the remainder of the school year. However, schools will be open for specific programs. As well, students will be able to meet with teachers for the purpose of assessment and planning for the resumption of classes in September. MVSD is planning to open for specific programming as outlined in the plan effective Monday, June 1. Please note that this is not a return to school for regular classes. Schools will be contacting individual families with further details in the coming days.
MVSD Division Administration and the Board of Trustees are reviewing the released draft plan from government. In consultation with schools, we are working on developing a local approach to ensure the safety of students and staff while providing specific programming for students. A significant part of the planning includes implementing protocols for staff and students to maintain social distancing and follow the directives provided by Public Health. For more information on the Limited Use of School Facilities during the pandemic, go to https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/covid/support/limited_use_school.html.
We acknowledge that families, students and staff will have questions and we are committed to providing more information to you as soon as it becomes available. If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please contact your school principal. You can also contact Dan Ward, Superintendent/CEO, at 204-638-3001 or dan.ward@mvsd.ca.