Confirmed COVID-19 Case - DRCSS

On November 22, Manitoba Public Health officials advised Dauphin Regional Comprehensive Secondary School of a confirmed case of COVID-19 that was in the school on Monday, November 16, Tuesday, November 17 and Wednesday, November 18. This case was not acquired at school.  Please see the attached letter from Public Health:  

School administration is working closely with public health officials and following their recommendations.  Based on the public health investigation, this exposure was assessed to be low risk. Close contacts connected to the case have been identified and advised to self-isolate. Anyone who is a close contact has been contacted directly by public health.

Please note that Mountain View School Division is not permitted to release the name or any identifying information about the confirmed case of COVID-19 to any member of the school, community or media.

The school is following Division procedures for a positive COVID-19 case, including additional cleaning and disinfecting protocols.

Mountain View School Division will continue to follow the recommendations of Public Health during this pandemic.  If you have any questions, please contact school administration at (204) 638-4629.